Friday seemed like a good day for going to the beach so Lori&co kidnapped me and we drove out to Ashdod to have some fun. The weather was perfect and the day seemed full of promise, we even found a nice playground on the beach for Buzzy to play in!
Buzzy took a cautionary glance around and put his sunglasses on, so far he wasn't impressed but the rest of us were all smiles so he decided it might be best to play it cool and to wait to see what would happen.
It was on the early side when we got to the beach and the sand wasn't hot yet so Lori and Z put Buzz down to let him explore. Buzzy was a little confused about the weird squishy stuff between his toes but everyone else seemed fine with it so he decided not to complain.
We finally made it over to a nice spot and spread out the blanket, Buzzy was the first one to sit down.
Discovering that sand is crunchy. |
It turns out his feelings towards the beach hadn't changed quite as much as we hoped they would, the sand was still sticky and the ocean was as terrifying as ever.
We took him to the little playground and fed him some bamba and tea biscuits which seemed to cheer him up.
Snacks make everything better. |
Eventually we ran out of snacks to feed him and had to head home, Lori&co dropped me off and I headed straight for the shower.
Shabbos was really nice, the Freddies came to hang out with us and dinner was as delicious as always. Lori&co walked over Shabbos morning and Lunch was filled with laughter and flying food (courtesy of the babies).
After lunch we hung out in the AC and amused ourselves by running after the little munchkin and her (sometimes) loyal sidekick Buzzy. We talked about many different topics and tried to teach the dog the proper etiquette for eating fake food, he didn't seem overly enthusiastic about the idea of fake treats and spent a majority of the time trying to tip over the snack bowl instead. The dog eventually managed to tip the snack bowl over and seeing as the food was now in his territory he hastily gobbled it up before any of the pesky humans could object. He seemed content to be a part of the fun but when it was made apparent to him that he would not be permitted to eat the cutlery, he decided that he had reached his fun allotment for the day and hurried off to his bed to take a well deserved nap.
Later in the afternoon Lori&co and the Freddies decided to go visit my grandparents, I decided to pass on this weeks venture mainly due to the fact that I was tired and didn't feel like parting from my good friend the AC unit.
After shabbos ended, the Freddies headed home and everyone started getting ready for the busy week that's coming up.
Rosh Hashana is on Wednesday and there's lots to do before it gets here!