Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Monday was a chill day. The Crazy Lady and I spent the morning running errands which included raiding the local plant nursery. We got some nice flowers and I picked out a packet of pea pods. I planted my pea pods and left the planter next to the cherry tomatoes that I planted earlier in the week (just in case they got lonely). I checked on them this morning but I see no signs of life. *Sigh* Gardening is nice but I'm not sure that I'm cut out for it...
I went to Lori's for dinner. When I got there she was giving Buzzy a bath, he seemed to enjoy himself and Lori got a bonus a shower in the process. After bath time we had some dinner, chicken soup and rice. Yum! Buzzy ate some of his soup and then decided that the "big people dinner" looked MUCH tastier. He desperately tried to get us to share with him but then got distracted by some rouge crunchies that had fallen on the couch.
After dinner we sat around waiting for Buzzy to get tired, this took longer than expected as he seems to have energy levels akin to an energizer bunny. He finally calmed down and Lori managed to get him to sleep.
We spent the rest of the evening watching Gilmore Girls and eating desserts. Z came home from school and was kind enough to drive me home.

Yesterday was a fun day. I made some pumpkin pie spice and spent the morning experimenting in the kitchen with it.
Later in the afternoon, The Carzy Lady and I went to visit my grandparents. Lori&co were there to and we spent a few hours looking through boxes and trying to organize stuff. We managed to clear out two boxes and acquired lots of goodies in the process(coloring books, fuzzy friends and all other sorts of things!).
It was lots of fun and I hope that we can do it again soon!

Today is looking to be a lazy day. I'm heading over to the Freddie's later today but the day is young, I guess we'll see what happens..

News on the fishie front:
I regret to inform you that both of the big fishies have passed away. Baruch dayan emet. :(

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