Friday night dinner started out like any other shabbos dinner. There was a lot of yelling and shushing as my father tried to get us all to the table for kiddush. After kiddush we went to wash and then said hamotzie.
Everything seemed to be going well when cat-astrophe struck. Smooshie and Mr. Cat were having some sort of altercation. Unable to solve their dispute, they came to the humans for help. Oscar, the helpful dog that he is, came bounding over to the table to see if he could be of service.
Mr. Cat took one look at Oscar and decided that he'd rather save his troubles for another time. He ran under the table, down the stairs and out of sight.
In the confusion, Smooshie panicked. Mr. Cat was gone but that pesky dog had that crazy look in his eyes. She looked around and saw that she was out of options, there was only one way unblocked by the humans. With a deep breath she took her leap. Plates and wine glasses went flying, the humans shrieked as the glass plummeted to the floor. The cat bolted up the stairs, pleased with herself for making such a clear getaway.
Shards of glass decorated the table top and lay scattered about the floor. The humans sat in silence, unsure of what exactly had transpired.
The thoughtful dog tried to help by attempting to eat some of the glass shards. The humans yelled and pulled the helpful creature away from the table.
Plates were cleared, the floor was swept and a new table was set. The meal was resumed and passed without any further incidents.
Shabbos lunch was quiet. We were finishing up our desert when there was a knock on the door. Lori, Buzzy, Z and Abe (Z's brother) came through the door bearing gifts. I happily accepted the cake that I was offered, despite the fact that I had just eaten desert.
We played a game of Phase 10 which is the longest card game known to man kind. The Crazy Lady finally won (wooo) and we sat around chilling until shabbos ended.
After shabbos we had a movie night and watched Despicable Me 2. It was really cute and pretty hilarious.
Buzzy was pretty tired after a long day of adventures so Lori&co took him home.
Frank and I saved the world from zombies and then I decided that it was time for me to go to sleep.
Today looks like it's gonna be another quiet day. Perhaps I will manage to convince myself to study for an hour or two...
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