A few weeks ago meteorologists began to talk of a massive storm that was supposedly going to hit the country.
As the days went by the weather reports became drearier as there were promises of sharp winds and below freezing temperatures, all of which pointed towards a heavily anticipated snowpcoalypse. In wake of last year's snowy disaster (which left many of its citizens shivering in the cold with no electricity), the country vowed to do everything in its power to be prepared for the oncoming weather.
Emotions ran high as the citizens of the country alternated between mass hysteria and unbridled excitement. As the temperature began to drop they ransacked the stores as they scoured every last corner for groceries, batteries, mittens, hats and anything else that they felt they might need. Lest they be trapped unprepared for the upcoming storm.
Tuesday morning was grey and dreary. I battled my way up the mountains against the winds and arrived at school looking rather wind blown. The winds only continued to to grow stronger as a dark fog rolled in. In wake of the impending storm I began to receive notifications about canceled classes.
Not wanting to potentially get caught alone in my apartment with no electricity I decided that the time had come to make a run for it. I made my way down the mountain and back to my apartment to pack up whatever I might need for the next couple of days. Plenty of extra socks, leggings and underwear went into my bag and I put on so many layers that it was a little hard to move.
On my way to the bus stop I saw a tree half uprooted from the winds and determined that running away was probably the best course of action. I got to the bus stop and got on a bus heading towards Jerusalem where I sought refuge at my friend's apartment.
Em's apartment was warm and cozy. We ate dinner and then went out on a little adventure to stock up on extra food for just in case. The supermarket was a madhouse with people rushing in and out grabbing what they could. We got some milk and eggs (which the store was surprisingly not sold out of) and then headed back to the warm and safe confines of Em's apartment for a good nights sleep.
Wednesday morning was cold and rainy but there was still no sign of snow. I put up a pot of soup as others came to seek shelter from the icy rain and winds. We spent most of the day watching movies, pretending to study and taking turns sticking our heads out the window to check for the highly anticipated snow.
Finally in the late afternoon the rain turned to an icy slush and then to flutters of snowflakes. We sat near the windows cheering it on and hoping that it would stick.
A few hours later, it looked like some of the snow had stuck around so we layered up and headed outside to see what we could find.
There was a lot of rain mixed in with the snow so it didn't really stick. We made the best of it and scraped the snow off of cars and benches to dump armfuls of snow on each other and pelt each other with snowballs.
After we were sufficiently soaked and frozen through and through we headed back inside to have a nice warm dinner. A few other people showed up and we had an impromptu snow dinner party. By the time we were done with dinner the rain had washed most of the snow away. We headed to bed with our fingers crossed hoping to wake up to snow covered rooftops.
Our prayers went unanswered and we woke up to piles of slush and a steady rain. The peak of the storm had passed and left us feeling slightly cheated. We hung out for a while before everyone decided that it had come time to part ways.
I packed up my stuff and caught a bus home to The Sun House where I had a very quiet shabbos.
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