Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Duck Sauce Thief

A couple of days ago I was standing in the kitchen with one of my brothers and my mom. My mom was making some kind of chicken and mentioned that it would go well with duck sauce. My brother made some joke about Z and the disappearing sauce which I thought was kind of strange because as far as I could recall, Z doesn't like duck sauce.

Over the next few days I kept catching little snippets of conversations involving Z and the disappearing duck sauce. My curiosity finally got the best of me and I asked "What's with Z and the duck sauce?!" to which my family replied with a fairly entertaining story...

Apparently a few weeks ago my mother decided to make chinese style food for shabbos. In preparation for the feast my family had procured a couple of packets of duck sauce to have with the meal. The packets of duck sauce sat on display as my family waited in anticipation for the delicious Friday night meal.

The fateful day finally arrived. Emotions ran high as my mother and some of my siblings prepared the feast. In the chaos, they lost sight of the duck sauce packets,

When the time came for everyone to sit down for the meal, they went to get the duck sauce only to find that the packets were gone. Panic broke out as my family members began to search for the missing packets. There was no luck and they were forced to admit defeat. There would be no duck sauce with their chinese food.

A few days after the chinese dinner fiasco, the missing duck sauce packets mysteriously reappeared.

It was later revealed that Z was the duck sauce packet thief.

Apparently he saw the duck sauce packets sitting out on the counter and decided that despite the fact that he didn't particularly like duck sauce, he should take them home. He stuck them into his pocket, unobserved, and made off with his bounty.

Lori later found the packets at her house and asked where and why on earth there were a bunch of duck sauce packets on her counter. Z explained that he had taken them from our house. He claims that we don't eat duck sauce but admits that he doesn't eat it either. His motives remain unclear.

Now might be a good time to point out that this is not the first time that he's taken things from our house without our knowledge. On more than one occasion he has absconded with boxes of our tea. Who know what else he may have taken?

I am forced to admit that he may have a problem.

Perhaps it is time to stage an intervention...

I was not present when these events occurred.
Some facts may be inaccurate, embellished or entirely fabricated.
we appreciate your understanding.
The Management 

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