Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow.

Yesterday I had a goodly amount of my hair chopped off. Not because I'm crazy but because I'm donating my hair to Zichron Menachem (for kids with cancer).
My friend Sea came with me for moral support which was awesome because I was kind of freaking out. The dude cutting my hair was super nice and so far people have seemed to like the new cut. :)
That used to be attached to me :O
After the haircut Sea was supposed to meet up with her cousin and go see a movie, I heard that they were seeing Despicable Me 2 and decided to tag along. The movie was awesome and definitely exceeded my expectations! I knew it would be cute (how could it not be? Everyone loves Agnus and the minions!) but I didn't expect it to be just as good as the first one(sequels rarely are). There were many quotable lines in the movie and the minions were as ridiculous as ever.
After the movie I really had to pee so I ran into the bathroom before we left the theater. As I was doin my business, the person in the stall next to me got a phone call. I was sort of eavesdropping when I realized that I knew that voice!!!! It turns out that it was Sarah Leah(she was a guest poster on an earlier post of mine wherein she complained about a lack of cupcakes) who had also just seen Despicable Me 2! We said hi but she had to run to meet someone so we parted ways and I rejoined my group.
We left the theater and I left Sea and her cousin by their bus stop before venturing through the creepy underground tunnel to my stop. The bus was pulling up as I got there and I got home in record time!

Later today my mom and I are meeting up with Lori to get manicures in the new nail place that opened, I haven't had a manicure in a long time so I'm super excited!!!!!
The appointment isn't until 4 so I guess I'll go watch TV until then :P

Monday, July 29, 2013

I Hear That Laziness Is A Virtue

So I've been pretty lazy lately and haven't felt like blogging but I figured it was time to stop being lazy (just in case anyone missed me :P).  
I mentioned in my last post that I was heading over to the Freddies. Thursday I hung out with the little munchkin and on Friday we woke up super early and went to the beach! The beach was really nice, the little munchkin LOVED playing in the sand but was slightly terrified of the sea. It was nice and cool when we got there but after an hour or two it started getting hot so we packed up and headed back to the Freddies. 
As you may remember from previous posts, my sisters birthday passed not to long ago. We had a birthday shabbos weekend in the sun house where we hung up a big sign and gorged ourselves on ribs(my sisters favorite) and other delicacies. 
Lori&co came for lunch and we ate lots more food followed by cake. After lunch we hung out a bit and then walked over to visit my grandparents. They seemed happy to see us and gave us even more food to eat! We stayed by them for a couple of hours and then headed out. On the way back we dropped Lori&co off at their apartment (and stayed for some brownies) and then walked back home. 
All in all shabbos was full of delicious foods, fun, and family. I call that a success :)

Yesterday was fun and relaxing. I visited Lori (because I hadn't seen her in so long) and we watched the first few episodes of gilmore girls (which I have never seen before). Buzzy ran around and ate weird stuff off the floor while Z tried to put up the shower curtain. Z eventually gave up on the whole shower curtain thing and Buzzy fell asleep, Lori figured out how the shower curtain worked and after putting it up we resumed our important task of watching TV.

This morning I woke up nice and early and after breakfast my mom and I headed out to run some errands. We picked up school books for my little brothers, went grocery shopping and got gas for the car. 
Now I'm making lunch and pondering what I should do with the rest of my day, it will probably consist of watching TV and eating more food. I'm a very busy person. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Don't Eat The Crayons

Today I went to visit Lori&Co in their new apartment! My dad and Z put together a bunch of cabinets while Lori and I worked on the kitchen. It took a while but we eventually managed to clear out a majority of the boxes from the kitchen and rediscovered the counter in the process.
We also found the alphabet magnets in one of the boxes and I generously offered to arrange them on the fridge.
Buzzy got bored and was wreaking havoc in the kitchen so I found some crayons and tried to color with him. He was more interested in eating the crayons than coloring with them so it didn't last very long...
#donteatthecrayonsyousillymonkey #lifelessonswithauntiephil
Frank and his friend came to help move boxes from the apartment to the storage space in the building. When all was said and done the apartment looked much more put together, though they still have quite a way to go (good luck guys!).
We went home to eat dinner (which was delicious!) and then I took the puppy on a walk.
Tomorrow morning I'm heading over to the Freddies to spend time with my little munchkin.
I should probably go pack...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Happy 10 Year Anniversary To My Lovely Fambily!

It's been a few days since my last post so let's get you up to date real quick..
Sunday I helped Lori clean out the kitchen in her new apartment. The insides of the cabinets were covered in a thick layer of dust and we spent a good hour and a half trying to get it all out. While I was cleaning the top of the cabinets I made a new friend, a moth whom I named Stan. Stan was a nice sort of fellow, he seemed content to sit on the edge of the cabinets while I worked my way towards him. As I neared the edge of the cabinets I discovered that the reason that he didn't seem overly lively was because he was in fact dead.
I removed Stan from the cabinets and we resumed our cleaning. When we were done cleaning we said goodbye to Stan and went back to my house so that Lori could pick up her hubby and baby and head back to the middle of nowhere to finish packing.

Yesterday was the big day, Lori&Co got up nice and early and the moving guys showed up a 8:15 to start packing up. It took the entire morning and a majority of the afternoon but they did it! My sister now officially lives in the sun house (well for the next two years anyway..). I'm pretty excited to have them so close by (I used to have to take 2 buses to get to them) I plan on visiting them fairly often since my sister tends to make lots of yummy food and always has TV for me to watch.

Today is my family's 10 year anniversary, 10 years ago my family and I got on a plane to start a new adventure in this sometimes crazy but overall amazing country that we call home. 10 years is a long time, this means that I have now lived in Israel for half of my life!!! It's crazy how time flies when your not paying attention, and yet I remember that day like it was yesterday. Ten year old me was amped up on candy (I don't remember where we got so much candy but I remember having a HUGE bag of it) and excited to be on a big plane with so many other little kids (it was an organized Nefesh B'Nefesh flight). We got off the plane and our cousins were there waiting for us, they also had a little ceremony where they welcomed us to the country. After the ceremony we piled into the van that the organization had arranged to drive us home, and to our dismay the driver piled our suitcases on the roof of the van and tied them down with rope. On the drive to our new home we sat in the van crossing our fingers and hoping that our luggage would survive the journey and not fall off the roof. 
We arrived at our new home and were relieved to discover that the luggage had indeed survived, we said goodbye to the driver and headed inside to begin the next chapter of our lives.  
The first few months in our new home were vastly different from everything that I was used to, we had a tiny little rental car that we would pile into and barely made it up the mountains in this city as opposed to having two cars with plenty of seating and gas power. Our lift still hadn't come so we didn't have our furniture yet, just some folding chairs and a plastic table. Not to mention the fact that our house was 1/3 of the size of our old house in America and everyone spoke in a different language that I didn't understand!! 
Adjusting to our new life took some time and there were definitely ups and downs but I think things worked out rather well. I learned Hebrew, survived high school, national service, and the psycometri!

Sometimes I miss the people from back home and I think about what my life would have been like had we stayed there, but then remember all the awesome people that I've met here and all the things that I never would have done if we hadn't moved, like getting to work in a hospital for national service(I'm pretty sure most of the cool stuff that I did there was probably illegal). I'm glad that I got to grow up here and I'm happy to call this place home. :)

Friday, July 19, 2013

Mmmmm Snickerdoodles :)

It's friday again! You know what that means... lots of cooking, cleaning, and other generally exhausting tasks. Woohoo.
As I may or may not have mentioned, my sister is moving to the sun house on Monday. This morning my mom drove out to the middle of nowhere so that they could pack up our van up with all of their breakables and bring them back to the sun house.
While she was out I pretended to be helpful and cook stuff for shabbos. I spent a majority of the morning moving stuff around the kitchen and walking around in circles so that I would look busy, it's a trick that a nurse in the hospital taught me. Always look busy. Following this simple rule makes most people feel bad about bothering you thus ensuring that chances of them actually asking you to do something are slim to none.The nurse that gave me these wise words of wisdom followed them very closely and could almost always be found scuttling through the ward muttering all sorts of things under her breath. Sure enough people rarely asked her for things, although this could have been due to the fact that she looked slightly insane.
I did however make snickerdoodles, mainly because I really enjoy eating cookies.
It's getting late and candle lighting time is creeping up on us so I think it's about time to say good bye.
Have a happy sabbath!!

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Is it Thursday already? It's been a while since I last posted so I'll fill you in real quick..
Monday I watched the little munchkin while her mommy was at work. When Freddie came back we headed to the train station and I hopped on a train back to the sun house (and made it home just in time for dinner!). Tuesday was Tisha B'av (a fast day), I spent most of the day inside watching TV(shocking I know) and generally trying to pass the time until the fast ended.
Yesterday was pretty uneventful as well..I did go on a shopping expedition with my mom to find a baby gift for our neighbors that had a baby boy (Mazal Tov to them) so it wasn't a completely unproductive day.
Today my mother and I went grocery shopping (which is a pretty exhausting task) and ran a few other errands. I baked some chocolate chip cookies in honor of Freddie's birthday and then ate a majority of them (also in honor of her birthday). Now I'm sitting here writing this post and feeling a little sick from all of the cookies that I ate.
Anyways, I really just wanted to say hi and give a shout out to my lovely sister so I guess I'm done here.
Maybe I should go walk the dog...

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Impromptu Dinner Party

Lori&Co were by us for shabbos and I managed to catch a ride with them to the Freddies. When we arrived at the Freddies, Lori thought that it might be nice to stop by and say hello so we all got out of the car and invaded the Freddies' apartment. Freddie and the little munchkin were happy to see us and asked Lori&co if they wanted to stay for dinner and after she had accepted we began to prepare an impromptu dinner. Freddie found some little white fishies in the freezer and we found some teeny tiny potatoes in the pantry. We got everything ready and then we sent to see the Freddies' new apartment!! After exploring the apartment and watering the plants we headed back to their current apartment and put dinner in the oven. Dinner was delicious and everyone had fun (especially the little munchkins who painted their faces with potatoes and apple sauce). 
The little munchkin was a gracious host and shared her toys (including her hat and necklace) with her cousin.
The Freddies are out at an appointment and I think Lori&Co are gonna head home so it's just me and the munchkin. I'm gonna go run around in circles with her until she gets tired out and goes to bed. :P

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Assemble The Minions!

This morning I woke up expecting to have yet another exciting day of watching TV in my pajamas. I logged onto Facebook and saw that I had a message from a family friend saying that she was in Israel and would love to stop by to see the family. I thought about it for a bit before remembering that my sister was supposed to be coming later in the day so I figured why not have a dinner party (by dinner party I mean regular dinner but with more people)? She said that she would hop on a bus and arrived later in the afternoon around the same time that my sister and her family did.
We watched Despicable Me (mostly because it's one of Buzzy's favorite movies) while dinner was being made. Dinner was delicious and the movie was super cute. After the movie ended it was time for our dear guest to head to the airport and catch a flight so we said our goodbyes and parted ways.
It's getting late and we're all starting to get sleepy so I think its about time to head up to my tower. 
Good night! :)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Today, for the first time in a long time, I stayed in bed all day watching Parks and Recreation (one of my favorite TV shows). It was awesome!!!!!!! But also not overly exciting so I don't really have anything to write about today....
On a slightly more exciting note, my mom managed to pick some strawberries from our strawberry plant before the pesky birds got to them (it's not that I mind that the birds are eating fruit, I just find it a bit rude that they take one peck out of each strawberry and then just fly away leaving it there to rot).
There were more but I ate them they mysteriously disappeared. 
I My mom juiced most of the limes from yesterdays adventures. We My mom took off the rinds and we put them into a bottle with some vodka to make lime extract so that we can bake with it and stuff.
I think that pretty much covers everything so I'm off to watch a movie before face planting my pillow. :)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Put The Lime In The Coconut...

Hi! I didn't post yesterday so I'll just fill you in real quick...
Sunday night I slept over at the Freddies again and then on Monday morning Freddie, the little munchkin and I went on a shopping expedition to the Azrieli mall in Tel Aviv. We were hoping to return with a surplus of gorgeous new clothes but were quite appalled at this seasons so called fashion and didn't end up buying much at all. After wandering around the mall for a couple of hours we got kind of tired so we decided to call it quits and part ways. Freddie and the little munchkin got on a train back to PT and I hopped on a train backed to the sun house. The rest of the day was spent watching TV in the nice cool AC and then I went to bed early. :)
This morning was nice and relaxing, I did a quick workout and hopped in the shower before my mom and I went to visit my grandparents. We raided my grandparents lime tree and then hung out for an hour or two before heading out to run a couple more errands. 
Some of the limes from my grandparents tree
After everything was taken care of we came home and started getting dinner ready. I made a big pot of tomato vegetable soup (yup soup in the summer. That's how I roll!) and my mom made mac&cheese.
After dinner we watched the three musketeers which was pretty cute and now I'm off to bed. :)

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Today I'm in petach tikva watching my niece while Mr&Mrs freddie are at work.
The little munchkin and I are having so much fun!!!!! First we woke up and had some scrambled eggs for breakfast, my niece is very good at sharing so she made sure to touch all of the eggs so that she could find the fluffiest one to feed me. After our delightful breakfast we thought it would be nice to see what's going on in the outside world so we put on our hats and shoes and set out for the park.
We saw a lot of big fluffy dogs on the way to the park and the little munchkin stopped to wave to each one. 
Finally we made it to the park and the little munchkin headed straight for the swings.
We hung out on the swings until a bunch of other kids came to play in the park, we said hello and then got off so that they could have a turn. 
It was pretty hot out in the sun so we found a nice bench in the shade and ate some snacks.

After the snacks were gone we packed up and headed home. When we got home the little munchkin was all tuckered out from the big adventure so she decided it was time for a nap.
The rest of the afternoon sped by! Freddie came home and I think we're gonna go run some errands so I guess I'll see you tomorrow... :) 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

I'm Free!!!!

I'm tired and it's late so I'm gonna make this a short one.
I just got home from taking the psycometri exam, it was super long but I think it went all right...
The day didn't go exactly as I planned and there were quite a few mishaps along the way but I did it. :)
Now all that's left to do is wait for my grade to come, fingers crossed that by some miracle it's a good one! 
Tomorrow I will be celebrating my first day of freedom by going to the beach!!! I haven't been to the beach since last summer so I'm pretty excited. 
I'll tell you guys all about it next time I blog ;)
Good night!!!! 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Whose Dumb Idea Was This Anyway?

I know I haven't posted in a while..It's just that I haven't actually done anything interesting.
I spent the last two days trying to cram as much material in my brain as possible (with little success), and watched half a season of Hart of dixie (which if you ask me is waaaay more enjoyable than pretending to understand math). 
At one point on Monday afternoon I went out onto the porch thinking that it would be nice and relaxing to see the sun and water the plants. The sun hurt my eyes and a bunch of bugs flew in my face when I poured water on a plant which wasn't exactly the tranquil picture that I had envisioned so I just went back to sulking at my desk inside. After that mild adventure, I wasn't to keen on exploring the outside world anymore so I stayed inside until I had to go to class last night.
Class was uneventful, we did one last practice section and then had a 'party' and by party I mean everyone standing around eating pizza and staring awkwardly at each other. After the pizza was gone I noticed that quite a few people had packed up their bags but instead of actually leaving they just stood there gazing longingly at the door. I figured that we had all endured enough of the 'party' so I waved good bye and left. As I was nearing the end of the hallway the door opened and 10 more people poured out of the classroom, they thanked me for forging the way and we said our brief goodbyes before going our separate ways.  
Today is my 'day off' since the test is tomorrow afternoon, apparently not studying the day before is going to somehow magically help me get a good grade. I'm still not exactly sure how that works but I have another season and a half of Hart of Dixie left to watch so I'm not really complaining.
I don't really have anything to say so I guess I'll go make some breakfast and watch tv (I'm nothing if not productive!).
Maybe something exciting will happen today and I'll actually have something to write about tomorrow! *fingers crossed!*