Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Happy 10 Year Anniversary To My Lovely Fambily!

It's been a few days since my last post so let's get you up to date real quick..
Sunday I helped Lori clean out the kitchen in her new apartment. The insides of the cabinets were covered in a thick layer of dust and we spent a good hour and a half trying to get it all out. While I was cleaning the top of the cabinets I made a new friend, a moth whom I named Stan. Stan was a nice sort of fellow, he seemed content to sit on the edge of the cabinets while I worked my way towards him. As I neared the edge of the cabinets I discovered that the reason that he didn't seem overly lively was because he was in fact dead.
I removed Stan from the cabinets and we resumed our cleaning. When we were done cleaning we said goodbye to Stan and went back to my house so that Lori could pick up her hubby and baby and head back to the middle of nowhere to finish packing.

Yesterday was the big day, Lori&Co got up nice and early and the moving guys showed up a 8:15 to start packing up. It took the entire morning and a majority of the afternoon but they did it! My sister now officially lives in the sun house (well for the next two years anyway..). I'm pretty excited to have them so close by (I used to have to take 2 buses to get to them) I plan on visiting them fairly often since my sister tends to make lots of yummy food and always has TV for me to watch.

Today is my family's 10 year anniversary, 10 years ago my family and I got on a plane to start a new adventure in this sometimes crazy but overall amazing country that we call home. 10 years is a long time, this means that I have now lived in Israel for half of my life!!! It's crazy how time flies when your not paying attention, and yet I remember that day like it was yesterday. Ten year old me was amped up on candy (I don't remember where we got so much candy but I remember having a HUGE bag of it) and excited to be on a big plane with so many other little kids (it was an organized Nefesh B'Nefesh flight). We got off the plane and our cousins were there waiting for us, they also had a little ceremony where they welcomed us to the country. After the ceremony we piled into the van that the organization had arranged to drive us home, and to our dismay the driver piled our suitcases on the roof of the van and tied them down with rope. On the drive to our new home we sat in the van crossing our fingers and hoping that our luggage would survive the journey and not fall off the roof. 
We arrived at our new home and were relieved to discover that the luggage had indeed survived, we said goodbye to the driver and headed inside to begin the next chapter of our lives.  
The first few months in our new home were vastly different from everything that I was used to, we had a tiny little rental car that we would pile into and barely made it up the mountains in this city as opposed to having two cars with plenty of seating and gas power. Our lift still hadn't come so we didn't have our furniture yet, just some folding chairs and a plastic table. Not to mention the fact that our house was 1/3 of the size of our old house in America and everyone spoke in a different language that I didn't understand!! 
Adjusting to our new life took some time and there were definitely ups and downs but I think things worked out rather well. I learned Hebrew, survived high school, national service, and the psycometri!

Sometimes I miss the people from back home and I think about what my life would have been like had we stayed there, but then remember all the awesome people that I've met here and all the things that I never would have done if we hadn't moved, like getting to work in a hospital for national service(I'm pretty sure most of the cool stuff that I did there was probably illegal). I'm glad that I got to grow up here and I'm happy to call this place home. :)

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