Is it Thursday already? It's been a while since I last posted so I'll fill you in real quick..
Monday I watched the little munchkin while her mommy was at work. When Freddie came back we headed to the train station and I hopped on a train back to the sun house (and made it home just in time for dinner!). Tuesday was Tisha B'av (a fast day), I spent most of the day inside watching TV(shocking I know) and generally trying to pass the time until the fast ended.
Yesterday was pretty uneventful as well..I did go on a shopping expedition with my mom to find a baby gift for our neighbors that had a baby boy (Mazal Tov to them) so it wasn't a completely unproductive day.
Today my mother and I went grocery shopping (which is a pretty exhausting task) and ran a few other errands. I baked some chocolate chip cookies in honor of Freddie's birthday and then ate a majority of them (also in honor of her birthday). Now I'm sitting here writing this post and feeling a little sick from all of the cookies that I ate.
Anyways, I really just wanted to say hi and give a shout out to my lovely sister so I guess I'm done here.
Maybe I should go walk the dog...
Aww! I just saw this! So touched that you made cookies for me :D See you tomorrow! Or are you already here?