Sunday, December 15, 2013

Pesky Trees

The stormy weather prevailed throughout shabbos. The Freddies came to keep us company and Lori&co joined us for lunch.

This morning started off a little strange. Three burly guys from the iriya showed up demanding entrance to our backyard but then decided that they would rather not face the dog. Apparently people had called to complain about the overhanging trees from our backyard claiming that they were a danger to the citizens. Further investigation revealed that a lot of our neighbors were facing similar charges. The men said that we would be fined for our trees reckless behavior before moving on to the next house.

About half an hour after the men left, we heard a strange noise outside. It sounded suspiciously like a chainsaw....

We went outside to investigate and found a claw machine ripping trees and fences out of our neighbors yards. My father hurriedly called the gardener who promised to send some guys over to trim our trees. The iriya's "gardeners" that were "trimming" our neighbors yards offered to do our as well (provided that we foot the bill for their valuable time and expert workmanship) but my father declined the offer.  When the so called gardeners made it apparent that they wouldn't leave without ripping our trees and fence out, my father decided to stand guard until the gardeners arrived.

Freddie and The Munchkin stayed in the sun house to hang out for the day. We started our adventures out at the supermarket and then ended up heading to the mall for lunch with S&S.

Just as we were leaving for the mall the gardeners arrived to save the day. The Crazy Lady and The Mad Man stayed behind to supervise while the rest of us headed to lunch.
Lunch was delightful and the company was superb. The waitress was a big fan of the munchkins and gave them free chocolate.

After lunch we let the munchkins run wild in the play area.

 The Dibble proved that you're never to old to have some fun.
Spot The Dibble.
It started to get dark out so we said goodbye to S&S and Lori&co and headed home to see how things were going. The gardener did a lovely job on the garden and we're now the only ones with trees in our yard and an intact fence.

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