Monday, January 20, 2014

It Wasn't Me..?

Most refrigerators have the freezer up top with nice shelves to put stuff on. As opposed to the more traditional design, our freezer is on the bottom complete with multiple pull-out draws in place of shelves.
Over the years we marveled at the copious amounts of things that we were somehow able to fit into the freezer in a Mary Poppin's like fashion.

Unfortunately, the years of abuse began to take their toll on the weary plastic drawers and the inevitable cracks began to appear. Despite the fact that we are all perfectly aware of the dire state of the drawers, each time a new crack appears everyone stands around to stare in utter shock and disbelief.

Today I had a rather unfortunate encounter with the middle drawer as I attempted to wrest some chickpeas from the depths of the drawer while I was making soup for dinner. I got the chickpeas out of the drawer and then left it open so that I could return the chickpeas to their frigid home when I was done with them. While I was standing at the stove I turned to look at the freezer and noticed that the drawer looked a bit lopsided but decide to ignore it in hopes that it wouldn't cause any trouble.

I returned the chickpeas to the freezer and attempted to shut the drawer which is when I realized that luck was not on my side, and that the drawer was stuck. Like any reasonable person would do, I pulled, shoved, wiggled and jiggled the drawer in hopes that it would magically slide back into place. The drawer was unwilling to cooperate.

The drawers blatant disregard for my feelings infuriated me, I refused to be defeated by a lowly piece of plastic. I took a deep breath and with hulk like strength, pulled at the drawer. I felt the drawer move and then heard the dreaded crack as the drawer split down the side. The drawer was as resilient as ever and I know sat on the floor hugging it to keep it from cracking off completely.

I had two options, call for help and admit defeat or blame it on someone else and remove all traces of evidence. Frank was still in school and The Dibble has a suspected elbow fracture so they were of no use. I thought about trying to blame it on Mr. Fat since he already has a rep but seeing as he's accidentally fallen into the garbage can on multiple occasions and appears to lack any semblance of common sense, I doubted that anyone would buy it.

I was running out of options and the drawer was heavy and cold so I yelled down the stairs to my father hoping that he would come save me. After a bit of negotiating (and much persistent yelling on my part) he came to see what was going on. I surrendered the drawer into his capable hands and watched him battle it back into place.

Also, I would strongly suggest that you avoid opening the freezer in my house. You never know when it will decide to exact it's revenge.

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