Sunday, March 2, 2014


Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were spent traveling back and forth between Bet Shemesh and Tel Aviv for training in Azrieli. I folded exorbitant number of shirts, hung up countless pairs of pants and attempted to learn the art of convincing people to buy things that they didn't necessarily want or need.

Shabbos was nice and relaxing. On Friday night we ate and then went to bed early for some much needed sleep. Shabbos morning we had a quiet lunch and then later in the afternoon we decided to go on a family stroll, we even brought the doug with us. The Crazy Lady, The Mad Man, The Dibble, Oscar and I were walking up the hill when we noticed some familiar figures in the distance. It was the Nemdy's! We all headed over to the new park to see how construction was coming along before heading back to the Fambily house for refreshments and a short lesson in family history.

This week we start putting together our store for the grand opening on Thursday. Today we sorted through fifty some-odd boxes of merchandise and attempted to start putting the store together. The baby section is almost done and I am one very tired employee.
Here's to hoping for a productive and successful (but not too tiring) week!!!!

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