Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Happy Birthday

Yesterday was my 20th birthday! Congratulations to me for staying alive for so long and a big thank you to my mom giving birth to me in the first place...

I started it off by spending the morning at the beach with some friends. The beach was relativity quiet as most schools started earlier in the week and we managed to score a pretty sweet spot in the shade. We swam with the fishies (who were feeling rather aggressive and kept biting at our ankles) and then lounged in the sun (after putting on lots of sunscreen!) until we got tired and decided to head home.

Back at the sun house my mom was putting meat and chicken up to marinate for my BBQ dinner while Lori was hard at work making me a delicious b-day cake.
Dinner was fit for a king queen, we had meat and chicken shishkabobs, mini burgers, chips and a bottle of my favorite wine. Everyone had a good time and ate until they were stuffed.
The cake that Lori made was equally as delicious as the meal had been, I was so excited to taste it that I dug right in.
After the food and cake had been devoured and the bottle of wine emptied, we said good bye to Lori&co and then I went to sleep feeling lucky to have such an awesome family.

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